Otford Road Business Park | Sevenoaks District Council

Otford Road Business Park

We are proposing to regenerate our depot at Otford Road, Sevenoaks to provide new business units, supporting our local economy and creating local jobs.

The site is currently used to store bins. It has been extensively developed with buildings. Much of the remaining area has been tarmacked.

In recent years, the site has not been well used. We want to put this under-utilised site into better use.

In September 2024, we shared our initial proposals with our communities. Following this consultation, we made the following changes:

  • Reducing the number of business units from four to three
  • Locating the business units further away from Jubilee Cottages than first proposed
  • Planting more greenery with a larger green buffer between the business units and Jubilee Cottages
  • Incorporating more sustainable technology to reduce Co2 emissions
  • Providing space for a cycling and walking path

You can have another say by commenting on a planning application for the proposal.

The deadline to comment is 9 April 2025.

View and comment on the planning application

Alternatively you can email planning.comments@sevenoaks.gov.uk or write to:

Planning application comments
Development Management
Sevenoaks District Council
Argyle Road
TN13 1HG

If you wish to comment by email or in writing, please include your name and address and the planning reference 25/00410/HYB. Your comments will be made available for public inspection on our website. Anonymous and in confidence comments will not be taken into account when we determine the application

The planning application is a detailed application for the industrial units, supporting infrastructure and landscaping and an outline application for a drive-through. A detailed planning application for the drive-thru will be made by the operator of the facility once appointed at a later stage.

The finished units would remain in our ownership and would be leased out. We have already had interest from local and national businesses.