- Summary
Community Safety Partnerships were set up under the 1998 Crime & Disorder Act. Their purpose is to bring together all of the agencies in an area who can have an impact on crime, anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime. In Sevenoaks District, the Sevenoaks District Community Safety Partnership undertakes this role. Co-ordinated by the District Council, its membership includes the Police, Kent Fire & Rescue Service, Sevenoaks District Council, Kent County Council, the Probation Service, housing associations and others. A full list of partners is given on page 18 of this report. One of the Partnership’s functions is to undertake an annual strategic assessment which identifies current and future community safety issues using evidence, consultation and analysis. It then puts in place a multi-agency action plan aimed at tackling the identified priority issues.
Annual Report
This Annual Report looks at what the Partnership and the Community Safety Unit (CSU) achieved over the last financial year.
The Partnership has 3 key aims. They are to:
- Reduce and detect crime
- Reduce anti-social behaviour and the fear of crime
- Strengthen community involvement.
Website maintenance
From 9pm on Monday 31 March, some of our online payments, forms & features will be unavailable while we carry out maintenance. This will be for a maximum of 4 hours. We apologise for the inconvenience