Preventing and reducing crime | Sevenoaks District Council

Preventing and reducing crime

The Sevenoaks District Community Safety Partnership and the District's Community Safety Unit are both made up of various organisations working together to keep Sevenoaks District safe.

We are currently raising awareness as to how these organisations and the Council go about this by exploring various schemes, projects and services which contribute to this aim.

These are:

  • Burglary and Crime Prevention advice
  • Funded projects - including substance misuse and domestic abuse
  • The Speedwatch scheme
  • CCTV - including the Safer Sevenoaks & District scheme for businesses
  • Tackling anti-social behaviour
  • The Community Safety Unit addressing residents' concerns

Community Safety Partnership

The Sevenoaks District Community Safety Partnership (CSP) works together to achieve three aims:

  • Reduce and detect crime
  • Reduce anti-social behaviour & fear of crime and reassure people across the District
  • Strengthen community involvement

Community Safety Unit 

The Sevenoaks District Community Safety Unit is run by Sevenoaks District Council's Community Safety team working with West Kent Police and is based in Sevenoaks District Council's offices.

Contact the Community Safety Unit to report various community safety issues such as anti-social behaviour, graffiti, fly-tipping, drug problems, intimidation, hate crime, noise nuisance, rowdy behaviour, issues about licensed premises, abandoned vehicles and environmental nuisance.

Useful links