Customer service standards | Sevenoaks District Council

Customer service standards

As part of the Council Wide Standards we will:

  • identify ourselves, be courteous and helpful 
  • listen to you, make every effort to help and provide clear information
  • keep information confidential unless we have your consent to share it
  • promote equality 
  • welcome feedback 

When you telephone us:

  • we aim to answer your call promptly and politely 
  • we aim to deal effectively with your call and will avoid passing you on to others 
  • where necessary, we will offer to call you back, explain why and agree a mutually convenient time to do this 

When you visit us:

  • the receptionist will make every effort to help or contact an officer who can
  • whenever possible we will provide confidential surroundings for discussions

When you send us a letter or email:

  • upon receipt we will acknowledge your letter or email within two working days
  • we aim to respond within 10 working days
  • if we need longer to give you a full response we will contact you

Social media:

  • We monitor social media regularly throughout the working day and where possible & appropriate will acknowledge/respond to your contact as soon as we can. If we need longer to look into your query, we will contact you to let you know this and when you can expect a full response.

We ask that you:

  • treat our staff with respect and in an acceptable manner
  • provide all the relevant information to help us deal with your request