Make a Freedom of Information request | Sevenoaks District Council
Website maintenance

From 9pm on Monday 31 March, some of our online payments, forms & features will be unavailable while we carry out maintenance. This will be for a maximum of 4 hours. We apologise for the inconvenience

Make a Freedom of Information request

The Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations give you the right to request information from us.

Make a request

To make a FOI or EIR request, email or write to us.

  • We must respond within 20 working days.
  • If the information is already available on our website then we will direct you to the webpage but we will not send you the information.

We have adopted the Information Commissioner's Model Publication Scheme for local authorities and we will publish information in line with this.

In exceptional cases charges may apply:

Complaints and review procedure

There are occasions when we cannot provide all the information asked for.

This may be for the following reasons:

  • we do not hold the information
  • we have had to refuse to disclose the information; or
  • we have removed some information from the documents we provide.

Information is most likely to be removed when it is someone else's personal information. In each case we will try to explain, in line with the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations, why information was not provided.

If you disagree with the way your request was handled you may request a review through our review procedure.

Further information

The Information Commissioner's (ICO)'s website provides advice on how to access information from a public body.