Local land charges search | Sevenoaks District Council
Website maintenance

Some of our online payments, forms and features will be unavailable from 6pm on Wednesday 5 February while we carry out essential website maintenance. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Local land charges search

We no longer supply a local land charges register search service. You can access the service through The HM Land Registry Portal for LLC1 and personal searches. We continue to provide CON29 searches.

CON29 searches (request a site planning history)

Request a search by email

Please email the following to land.charges@sevenoaks.gov.uk

  • A completed form for the CON29 and/or CON29O
  • A copy of a plan with the site to be searched outlined in red for all searches

Payment can be made over the phone by credit or debit card or by BACS. Our BACS details are Barclays Bank, sort code 207663 and account number 60242020.

Request a search by post

  • Send a completed form for the CON29 and/or CON29O
  • Send a copy of a plan with the site to be searched outlined in red for all searches
  • To include other roads and footways, etc. in Box C of the CON29 form, please identify them by name. If the name is not known, identify them by colouring or hatching the included search plan (up to a maximum of three roads)
  • Include a cheque for the correct amount made payable to 'Sevenoaks District Council'
  • Post your documents and cheque to: Land Charges, Sevenoaks District Council, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks TN13 1HG.

Postal searches take longer to process than online and email requests. Your request will normally be processed within 10 working days, subject to the volume of other work. Please contact us to check current response times.


  • CON29 (Residential / Commercial) - £161
  • Additional property or land - £21
  • CON290 printed enquiry (each) Q4 - 22 - £24
  • Copy of search - £10

Sorry, we do not cancel searches once we have accepted them and no concessions are available.