Business rates | Sevenoaks District Council

Business rates

Set up a Direct Debit

Direct Debit is the best way to pay - it's simple, quick and safe...

Make a payment

You can make payments at any time by using our secure online payment option...

Business Rates Revaluation 2023

The next Business Rates revaluation will come into effect on 1 April 2023...

How business rates are calculated

Find out how your business rates are calculated on GOV.UK...

View your bills online

Log in and see when your instalments are due, payments you've made and bills we have sent you...

Estimate your business rates

Find out how to estimate your business rates on GOV.UK...

Check your Business Rates balance

Have your Business Rates account number ready to check your the current balance on your Business Rates account...

Reduce your business rates

Find out about the reliefs and exemptions that are available...

Tell us about a change

Tell us about any changes that may affect your liability or the amount you have to pay...

If you're struggling to pay or don't pay

Advice if you can't pay and the steps the Council can take to recover unpaid business rates...

Find your rateable value

The rateable value of your business is set by the Valuation Office Agency...

General explanatory notes

We are required to provide you with these notes to accompany your bill...