Council budgets | Sevenoaks District Council

Council budgets

You pay for a proportion of the cost of your local services through the Council Tax. It is made up of five charges for Kent County Council, Sevenoaks District Council, your local town or parish council, Kent Police and Kent Fire & Rescue Service. Each authority sets its own charge.

All the Council Tax is collected by us and is passed on to the relevant authority.

The band D Council Tax bill, including the average town/parish council charge, for the financial year 2024/25 (from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025) is £2,200.60.

Where the money comes from

In this financial year, Council Tax will raise £12.8 million for us (Sevenoaks District Council). The rest will come from one-off Government grants (£1.8 million) and Business Rates (£3.2 million) and interest from our savings and property investments (£2.2 million) with a contribution to reserves (£0.6 million). This gives a total of £19.4 million to spend on services.

How the money is spent

Assistant Chief Executive - £1.7 million
Elections, electoral registration, communications, consultation, policy and print studio.

People & Places - £2.2 million
Health, housing, homelessness, leisure, community safety, grants to voluntary organisations.

Planning & Regulatory Services - £2.1 million
Development control, local plan, planning enforcement, planning appeals, conservation, building control, environmental health, licensing.

Finance & Trading - £7 million
Finance, refuse collection, recycling, street cleansing, car parking, CCTV, parks, emergency planning, internal audit.

Customer & Resources - £4.5 million
Customer solutions and delivery, democratic services, human resources, legal services, IT, facilities management, housing benefits, council tax and business rates collection.

Strategic Head of Commercial & Property - £1.8 million
Economic and property development, Council property and asset maintenance, tourism.

For further information, please contact us.