Free football classes for boys and girls | Free football classes for boys and girls | Sevenoaks District Council

Free football classes for boys and girls

Join us and Millwall Community Trust for 12 weeks of free football sessions, run by a professional coach. The course is available to children aged 8 to 16 of all abilities.

They’ll be taking place at four locations across the District and no booking is required, just turn up and have fun.



Recreation Ground, Coomb Field, Edenbridge, TN8 5HL

Wednesdays from 8 May 2024

Ages 8 to 11 – 5pm to 6pm

Ages 12 to 16 – 6pm to 7pm

Please use the football car park entrance on Lingfield Road, rather than the rugby car park on Coombe Field.



St Mary’s Recreation Ground, St Mary’s Road, BR8 7BU

Fridays from 10 May 2024

Ages 8 to 11 – 5pm to 6pm

Ages 12 to 16 – 6pm to 7pm


Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

For more information email or call 01732 227000.

These sessions are run by us, Millwall Community Trust and the local Town and Parish Councils.