On street parking permits | Sevenoaks District Council
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On street parking permits

Resident on street parking permits

We provide residents parking permits in certain areas in the District. In some cases only part of the road may be included in the scheme. Permits are only available for homes built or converted before 2014. If it is unclear if the permit scheme applies to where you live, please contact us.

Permits are provided on a sliding scale of charges. This means that those who park more cars on the road will pay more for their permits. 

The increasing scale of charges also encourage residents to make better use of their off-street parking spaces. Those with no off-street parking and only one vehicle can park at a lower rate.


If you have no off street spaces, the costs are:

  • 1st permit - £50
  • 2nd permit - £100
  • 3rd permit - £175
  • 4th permit - £325

If you have one off street space, the costs are:

  • 1st permit - £100
  • 2nd permit - £175
  • 3rd permit - £325
  • 4th permit - £325

If you have two off street spaces, the costs are:

  • 1st permit - £175
  • 2nd permit - £325
  • 3rd permit - £325
  • 4th permit - £325

If you have three off street spaces, the costs are:

  • 1st permit - £325
  • 2nd permit - £325
  • 3rd permit - £325
  • 4th permit - £325

If you are a Blue Badge holder and have no off street spaces, the costs are:

  • 1st permit - FREE
  • 2nd permit - £100
  • 3rd permit - £175
  • 4th permit - £325

Permit costs, including those for properties with a free blue badge or electric vehicle permit, are calculated based on the number of off street spaces at the property and the number of permits held, including those issued for free.

Charging discounts

In an effort to tackle climate change, we may offer discounted permits for electric vehicles.

Non-resident parking permits

We offer non-resident permits in certain roads close to Sevenoaks rail station and Sevenoaks town centre. These are provided on a limited basis and are subject to available road space. If you are interested in obtaining a non-resident permit, please contact us to check availability.


Sevenoaks town area:

  • 3 months - £90
  • 6 months - £175
  • 1 year - £350

Station area (Hitchen Hatch Lane/Mount Harry Road west of Woodside Road):

  • 3 months - £200
  • 6 months - £400
  • 1 year - £780

Station area (Hitchen Hatch Lane/Mount Harry Road east of Woodside Road):

  • 3 months - £175
  • 6 months - £325
  • 1 year - £650

If you require a permit for specific days of the week, the cost can be calculated on a pro-rated basis.


New and converted residential properties

If you live in a property built or converted after a Resident Parking Scheme has been introduced, we regret, you will not eligible for a parking permit. Our parking schemes reflect the circumstances and demands at the time they are introduced and because of this, you should make your own parking arrangements.


Enquire about a parking permit

Please email parking@sevenoaks.gov.uk with your name and address. If you are eligible for a permit, we will email you an application form.