Conservation areas | Sevenoaks District Council

Conservation areas

Sevenoaks District is rich in history and contains much that is worthy of retention and conservation.

There are 41 designated Conservation Areas, defined as areas of special architectural or historic character, where the requirement, under the terms of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and subsequent legislation and Government advice, is to preserve or enhance their character.

Conservation Areas within the District vary in size and type, ranging from town centres, such as Sevenoaks and Westerham, to villages and hamlets. They are often centred on groups of listed buildings, but other features of merit such as open spaces, trees, historic street patterns or items of historic or archaeological interest may also contribute to the special character warranting the protection given by designation.

Even relatively minor works such as external painting or cladding, or altering doors and windows and paving front gardens may affect the character of a Conservation Area. It is therefore advised that you contact our Planning Team before proceeding with any such works.

The fact that a building is within a Conservation Area does not mean, however, that it must necessarily be kept intact and unaltered for all time.

In Conservation Areas, special care is taken in making development decisions and any changes must respect the existing character and preserve or enhance that character.

Our Conservation Area Design Guidance covers the design of development, or alterations and repairs to all buildings in conservation areas. This guidance should be a starting point when considering carrying out any development in a Conservation Area.

For the most up-to-date boundaries, please see the area map in each conservation area.

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