Licences and permits directory - Zoo licences | Sevenoaks District Council

Licences and permits directory - Zoo licences

To run a zoo in the Sevenoaks District, you need a licence from us.

Licences are subject to the Zoo Licensing Act 1981

Making an application

At least two months before making an application for a licence, you must give notice in writing (including by electronic means) to us of your intention to make the application. The notice must identify:

  • the zoo's location
  • the types of animals and approximate number of each group kept for exhibition on the premises and the arrangements for their accommodation, maintenance and wellbeing
  • the approximate numbers and categories of staff to be employed in the zoo
  • the approximate number of visitors and motor vehicles for which accommodation is to be provided
  • the approximate number and position of access to be provided to the premises
  • how required conservation measures will be implemented at the zoo

At least two months before making the application, you must also publish notice of your intentions in one local newspaper and one national newspaper and exhibit a copy of that notice.

The notice must identify the location of the zoo and state that the application notice to us is available to be inspected at our offices.