Licences and permits directory - Premises Licence review | Sevenoaks District Council

Licences and permits directory - Premises Licence review

You can ask for a review if you have concerns about the operation of a licensed premises.

Before you apply, please try to resolve the matter through other means. For example by speaking with the people running the premises.

An application for Premises Licence review must be in writing. Your application cannot be made anonymously. 

The grounds for the review must relate to one or more of the 'Licensing objectives'. These are: the prevention of crime and disorder; public safety; prevention of public nuisance; the protection of children from harm.

You will need to show the extent of the problem in your application.

We may reject your application if:

  • The problem is not related to the operation of the premises
  • If the applications is frivolous, vexatious or repetitious.
Making an application

Before you apply, please read our guidance notes. These explain the review process and how to complete the form.

Premises Review guidance notes

Premises Review application form (PDF format)

Premises Review application form (Word format) 


Licensing Partnership
P.O. Box 182
TN13 1GP

Call: 01732 227004