Policies, strategies and plans - Housing strategy and policy documents | Sevenoaks District Council

Policies, strategies and plans - Housing strategy and policy documents

Our Housing Strategy was adopted in July 2022. It sets out our approach to address local housing needs and associated health requirements.

We are also a partner authority in the Kent & Medway Housing Strategy. The strategy describes the strategic direction for housing across Kent and Medway for the period 2020 to 2025. 

View our main housing related documents below:

Tenancy Statement 2020

Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy

Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Intermediate Housing Protocol (includes the Sevenoaks First Homes Policy)

Rural Housing Protocol

Sevenoaks District Housing Register Allocation Policy 2022 to 2027

Out of Area Placement Policy

Private Sector Housing Enforcement Policy - March 2021

Contact us if you require further information.


Housing Policy team

Email: housing.policy@sevenoaks.gov.uk

Tel: 01732 227000