Document downloads - Council budgets and spending | Sevenoaks District Council

Document downloads - Council budgets and spending

Available downloads

Council budget books

Community grants

Draft Statement of Accounts 2016/17

Audit findings report 2016-17

Completion of audit notice 2016/17

Audit opinion

Annual Audit Letter 2016/17


Statement of accounts for 2017/18

Publication Letter 2018-19

Statement of Accounts 2018/19

Payments to suppliers over £500 - 2020/21

Payments to suppliers over £500 - 2021/22

Statement of Accounts 2020/21

Payments to suppliers over £500 - 2022/23

Statement of Accounts 2021/22

Statement of Accounts 2022/23

Payments to suppliers over £500 - 2023/24

Payments to suppliers over £500 - 2024/25