Sevenoaks - Land East of High Street | Sevenoaks District Council
Website maintenance

On Saturday 1 March, we will be upgrading our PublicAccess websites for Planning, Building Control and Licensing and it will not be possible to view documents. We apologise for the inconvenience…

Sevenoaks - Land East of High Street

We’re working on a once in a generation opportunity to improve the Buckhurst Lane and Suffolk Way areas of Sevenoaks, helping to make the town a more exciting place to live, work and spend time.

Our initial ideas included a new energy efficient leisure facility, a combined library and learning hub and other environmental and cultural improvements, including a new link to Knole Park a new market hall and a hotel to support the local economy.

Last year, we ran three information events and a survey to give the community the chance to have their say on our early ideas. The community were generally supportive of the proposals but raised concerns mainly about rebuilding the library, car parking, accessibility, size and facility mix of the new leisure centre, impact from construction activities and traffic.

Kent County Council has now decided that the well-used library will no longer form part of the project. The library will remain in its existing form in the town centre.

Taking this and resident and stakeholder comments into account, we are now proposing an alternative concept scheme.

View details of our revised scheme

The project is currently estimated to cost around £120 million. It is expected to be self-financing with income from the new homes paying towards the new leisure centre and other improvements.

Next steps

Our Councillors will consider the updated proposals and the next steps for the project during March and April 2025, including the Council Meeting on 29 April when Councillors will consider a request to go out to tender to appoint a development partner by the end of this year.

View the Committee papers for Land East of Sevenoaks High Street.

The development partner would work on detailed designs during 2026, including further engagements with the public, before submitting a planning application.