BIG Waste Conversation | Sevenoaks District Council
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BIG Waste Conversation

Thank you to everyone who shared their views on our waste collection services as part of the ‘BIG Waste Conversation’.

An online survey was available from 9 December 2024 to 3 February 2025 and 3,853 people took part. We also ran a face-to-face version of the survey that was representative of the District population, and a further 427 people participated.

The survey sought to understand how residents currently deal with their waste and what, if anything, stops them from recycling. We also wanted to hear views about how best to meet new Government obligations to collect glass and food waste and a new 65% national recycling target while getting the best value for money.

The survey results will be considered by our Cleaner and Greener Advisory Committee (12 March 2025) then Cabinet (20 March 2025) along with a timeline for any changes.

View the survey results