Strategic Management Team | Council structure | Sevenoaks District Council

Council structure

Strategic Management Team

Our management structure is made up of a Chief Executive and four Chief Officers who report directly to the Chief Executive.

Sarah RobsonSarah Robson, Chief Officer for People & Places

Sarah joined us in 2020 and is responsible for health, housing, homelessness, leisure, community safety, grants to voluntary organisations, economic and property development and tourism.


Jim Carrington-WestJim Carrington-West, Chief Officer for Customer & Resources

Jim joined the Council in 1999. He is responsible for Customer Services, Democratic Services, Human Resources, Legal Services, IT, housing benefits and council tax and business rates collections.


Adrian RowbothamAdrian Rowbotham, Chief Officer for Finance & Trading and Section 151 Officer

Adrian joined us in 2006 and he is responsible for finance, refuse collection, recycling, street cleansing, car parking, CCTV, parks, emergency planning, internal audit and our property.


Richard MorrisRichard Morris, Chief Officer for Planning & Regulatory Services

Richard joined the Council in 2013 and he is responsible for planning applications, the local plan, planning enforcement, planning appeals, conservation, building control, environmental health, licensing and our efforts reduce the organisation’s carbon emissions that contribute towards climate change.