Otford Road Business Park | Sevenoaks District Council

Otford Road Business Park

We are proposing to regenerate our former depot at Otford Road, Sevenoaks to provide new business units, supporting our local economy.

The site was used for many years by our waste collection teams to store equipment and prior to that, it was used by Kent County Council as a household waste recycling centre (better known as the tip or the dump).

The site has been extensively built on: there are a number of buildings and most of the remaining area has been tarmacked over.

But in recent years, the site has not been used. We want to put this under-utlised site into good use to support our local economy and our communities.

Our early ideas are to build four, small industrial units with a drive through café. These would provide much needed business space and would create new jobs, benefitting our residents.

We have already had interest from local and national businesses who have indicated they want to take space at the site.

The finished units would remain in our ownership and would be leased to businesses.

We have already appointed architects to work on our plans and we are proposing to share our initial ideas with residents in the autumn for their feedback.

Once our residents have had their say, and we have considered their comments, we will review our plans and we intend to submit a planning application in late 2024 or early 2025.

We will update this page as our proposals develop.

If you have any questions, please contact our Property Team.