Business Improvement Grants | Sevenoaks District Council

Business Improvement Grants

Businesses based in the Sevenoaks District can apply for grants of between £2,000 and £8,000 for capital expenditure projects.

The grant can be used to purchase of fixed assets for long-term use and can include equipment and machinery, upgrades and improvements to buildings. It does not include ongoing operating costs such as staffing, expenses for activities or repairs and maintenance.

Applications are open until 28 February 2025 or until all the funding has been allocated.

Read our guidance

Eligible businesses include:

  • A business that can demonstrate three years of trading. This can be a company registered at Companies House (including social enterprises), or a sole trader. Companies will need to provide their registration number and sole traders may be subject to checks such as registration for Business Rates or Council Tax. Your VAT registration number will also be needed as recoverable VAT will not be paid.


  • A charity registered with the Charity Commission (registration number will be needed).

Proposals will only be eligible if:

  • They are completed by 28 February 2025
  • Have all relevant permissions (such as planning, advertising etc.) secured when the grant is awarded
  • The costs exclude recoverable VAT
  • They are not for any works that have already started or assets already purchased prior to a formal award
  • They are not for a residential property
  • The application includes the required supporting evidence
  • The meet the required criteria (stated below)

Outcomes should include one of more of the following

  • A positive impact on the environmental, such as reducing energy costs and / or carbon footprint
  • The creation or safeguarding of jobs
  • Increased efficiency / productivity
  • New business activity
  • Increase in customers/orders/revenue.

Apply for a Business Improvement Grant

Before your application accepted, you will need to email a copy of your most recent business bank statement to with your business name as the subject line.

These grants are funded by the UK Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).