Council tax | Sevenoaks District Council
Website maintenance

From 9pm on Monday 31 March, some of our online payments, forms & features will be unavailable while we carry out maintenance. This will be for a maximum of 4 hours. We apologise for the inconvenience

Council tax

Paying Council Tax

Find out the different ways you can pay…

View your bill or balance

View your Council Tax balance online using your Council Tax account number or register and login to see your bill…

Council Tax benefits, discounts and exemptions

Find out about Council Tax discounts, exemptions and reductions….

New residents, moving home or other changes

Notify us of any changes such as moving house, someone moving into or out of your household or if you are no longer the only adult in the property…

Problems paying your Council Tax

Advice if you can't pay and the steps the Council can take to recover unpaid Council Tax...

Council Tax bands, charges and appeals

Find the Council Tax band for your home, how much your annual charge will be, or make an appeal…

What your Council Tax pays for

Your Council Tax helps pay for important local services provided by different public authorities...

Contact Council Tax

Fill in our form to get an answer to your query...