Problems paying your Council Tax | Sevenoaks District Council
Website maintenance

From 9pm on Monday 31 March, some of our online payments, forms & features will be unavailable while we carry out maintenance. This will be for a maximum of 4 hours. We apologise for the inconvenience

Problems paying your Council Tax

If you are struggling to pay

If you're struggling to pay your Council Tax, don't let the problem get worse, contact us straight away.

Get in touch

You can get free and impartial advice on debt, budgeting and finance from any of the following organisations:

If you don't pay

If you don't pay your Council Tax on time we will send you a Reminder.

  • If you pay the reminder straight away you can continue paying in instalments
  • If you don't pay straight away, or you don't pay any remaining instalments on time, the rest of the year's charge will be due and you will have to pay it in full. 

Please contact us as soon as possible if you fall behind with any of your payments.

If you don’t pay, we will send you a Court Summons for non-payment including costs.

  • If you pay the balance in full including the costs, no further action will be taken
  • If you can't pay in full, contact us and we may be able to make an arrangement.

Make a payment

At the court hearing we will ask the Magistrates for a Liability Order for the full amount you owe plus additional costs.

  • If you agree that you owe the amount, you do not have to attend the court hearing
  • If you go to the court hearing, the Magistrates will ask if you have a valid defence to stop the Liability Order being granted.  If you are planning to attend the court hearing please contact us as soon as possible.

If the Liability Order is granted it allows us to use other methods to collect the money you owe, such as:

  • Enforcement Agents (formerly called Bailiffs)
  • Insolvency action or bankruptcy proceedings.

Please contact us as soon as possible if you fall behind with your payment.