View and comment on a planning application | Sevenoaks District Council

View and comment on a planning application

If you want to comment on a planning application it is important that you understand the following:

  • You will need to quote the application reference number and address
  • When we determine planning applications we will only take into account material planning considerations. The Planning Portal gives advice on material considerations. Comments of an inappropriate, derogatory or defamatory nature will not be taken into account or published
  • Comments we receive will be made available for public inspection on our website, anonymous and in confidence comments will not be taken into account when we determine the application
  • While your name, address and other personal information will not be published, your name and address will be held on file so we can keep you informed of the decision and other relevant updates
  • Comments must be made in writing online or by email or letter. We are unable accept comments verbally, via social media or by video.

View and comment online

Due to the high volume of comments we receive, your comments will not be acknowledged. 

Should the applicant appeal against our decision, comments received while the application was under consideration will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and you will be notified if there is an opportunity to submit further comments.

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the Council are protected by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with the approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner, (the applicant/ agent/ architect). You may, however, make copies of the decision notice provided the copies are not altered in any way. 

With regard to Ordnance Survey mapping or any mapping created from Ordnance Survey material, you are reminded that this is also subject to Crown Copyright. You may view or download this for private and non-commercial purposes only. Such mapping may not be further sub-licensed, sold, demonstrated, lent or otherwise transferred or exploited without the prior written permission of Ordnance Survey.