Core Strategy Development Plan | Sevenoaks District Council
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Core Strategy Development Plan

We have committed to reviewing our Core Strategy over the next five years so that our planning policies remain consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The Planning Policy team is currently working to produce evidence to support a new Local Plan to cover the period 2015-2035.

The Core Strategy is the key document in our Local Plan. It draws together the objectives of a wide range of plans, programmes and strategies and provides the overarching principles that will deliver the essential development needs of the District up to 2026.

The Core Strategy was adopted by Full Council on 22 February 2011.

The Core Strategy was submitted to the Secretary of State in June 2010 and underwent independent examination between 5 October and 22 October 2010.

The Core Strategy, along with the Allocations and Development Management Plan, is part of the Local Plan for the Sevenoaks District. 

The Local Plan Policies Map has been produced to accompany the Local Plan documents.

Download the Core Strategy