What is the Council's role? | Private water supplies | Sevenoaks District Council
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Private water supplies

What is the Council's role?

We are required to monitor the safety of all private water supplies in the District with the exception of single domestic supplies unless requested to do so. This is done by examining the supply to assess whether the water may be a risk to health as well as routinely taking water samples.

If the water is unsafe or it is suspected that this may be the case, we will investigate further and take the necessary steps to protect human health.

View our list of charges for monitoring private water supplies for monitoring private water supplies.

What is a private water supply?

A private water supply is one that is not directly supplied by a mains water company such as Thames Water, South East Water, Mid Kent Water or Sutton and East Surrey Water.

The source may be from a borehole, well spring, river, stream lake or pond and may serve a single house or business or many premises. Water supplied by a mains water company which is then further distributed to other landowners is also covered by the regulations. It is essential the water supply is safe for both domestic and commercial use including food preparation.

What are my responsibilities if I own or manage a private water supply?

You must take all measures necessary to ensure that it is safe. This includes carrying out any routine maintenance, regularly checking that the supply is protected from contamination 'from source to tap' and that any treatment system is working correctly.

Further advice on how to keep your private water supply safe can be found on the Drinking Water Inspectorate website.