Right to bid | Community rights | Sevenoaks District Council
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Community rights

Right to bid

The Right to Bid is a national process that has been introduced through the Government's Localism Act. It came into force on 21 September 2012.

The Right to Bid gives voluntary and community groups and town and parish councils the opportunity to nominate local land and buildings to be included on a list of 'assets of community value'.

For an asset to be listed, it will be necessary to demonstrate that its main use now, or in the recent past, contributes to the social wellbeing or cultural, recreational or sporting interests of the local community – and that this use will continue.

Examples could include village shops, pubs, community centres and playing fields. Buildings used as administrative offices and land or property where community use isn't the main function would not be included.

If successfully listed, the sale of the asset is paused for an initial period of six weeks, (a moratorium) during which time any community group with a local connection can submit an Intention to Bid. If we receive an Intention to Bid, the moratorium extends to six months, giving communities the time to prepare a bid and get a business plan together.

Bids should be in writing using our Intention to Bid form.

Any sale, after the six month period, takes place under normal market conditions and the owner is under no obligation to sell to a community group. Equally, community groups which have registered an interest are under no obligation to bid or purchase.

Guidance and nominations

We have produced Community Right to Bid Guidance for Community Groups interested in nominating an asset for listing and for owners of assets.  This sets out how we will administer the Community Right to Bid.

Nominations must be in writing using our Community Right to Bid Nomination Form.

Return completed nomination forms to us either by post or email.

List of Assets of Community Value

View our list of Assets of Community Value (also available as a CSV file) and a list of land nominated by unsuccessful community nominations. You can also view our interactive map of Assets of Community Value.

To request a free copy of the Lists of Assets of Community Value please contact us.

Further information

Chapter 3 of the Localism Act 2011 and Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012 provides the legislative arrangements.

Information about the Community Right to Bid is available on the My Community website.

You can also contact us with any enquiries.