Armed Forces Community Covenant | Sevenoaks District Council

Armed Forces Community Covenant

The Armed Forces Community Covenant was proudly signed by Sevenoaks District Council in 2013 and commits the Council and military communities to work together more closely to support current and former Armed Forces personnel and their families. 

The Covenant encourages the integration of Service and civilian life and encourages the Armed Forces community to help local communities across the District. The Covenant recognises challenges that Armed Forces can face accessing public service. It aims to encourage all partners within a community to offer support to the local Armed Forces community and make it easier for Service personnel, families and veterans to access help and support from the MOD, statutory providers and charities and voluntary and community organisations.

For information about support services within Sevenoaks District for veterans, Armed Forces personnel and their families, please view the Sevenoaks District Armed Forces Community Covenant.

For further information, visit the national website for Armed Forces Covenant