Licences and permits | Sevenoaks District Council
Website maintenance

From 9pm on Monday 31 March, some of our online payments, forms & features will be unavailable while we carry out maintenance. This will be for a maximum of 4 hours. We apologise for the inconvenience

Licences and permits

Updated Sexual Establishments Licensing Policy

Have your say on our draft policy until midnight on Sunday 16 March 2025...

View details...

Apply for a licence or a permit

Find out what licence or permit you need and how to apply...

Apply to hold an event

Apply to hold an event in Sevenoaks District...

Public licensing register

View details of licence and permit applications received...

Comment on an application

Make a representation, or a comment, concerning a licensing application...

Responsible authorities

View details of the public bodies that can comment on licensing applications in the Sevenoaks District...

Animal licensing and the Animal Licensing Rating System

If you board animals, breed dogs, sell animals, hire horses or keep or train animals for exhibition, you will need a licence...

Make a licensing payment

Pay for licence or permit application...