Taxi driver Knowledge Test | Sevenoaks District Council
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Taxi driver Knowledge Test

To ensure our local taxis drivers provide a safe and efficient service and have a good knowledge of the District, they have to pass our local Knowledge Test.

The test applies to new Hackney Carriage, Private Hire and Dual drivers and to Private Hire drivers who wish to change to a Hackney Carriage or Dual licence. You have to pass the test before you can submit your licence application.

The Knowledge test costs £51.50.

You will receive your results within five working days of taking the test.

Although the test result is final and you cannot appeal the decision, there is no limit on the number of tests you can take, but you have to pay for each one.

If you have a disability that would exclude you from taking the test, please contact us.

To help you prepare for the test, please read through the following sections.

About the test

This is a multiple-choice test and you will be required to show a good level of local knowledge. This includes identifying the location of key buildings or premises such as pubs, bars, schools, train stations, golf clubs, village halls, supermarkets and business parks in the District.

View the test questions on this website

View the test questions in PDF format

To pass, you must achieve the following score in each category:

  • Private Hire policy and law - 80%
  • Sevenoaks Hackney Carriage policy and law - 80%
  • Sevenoaks District routes - 80%
  • Sevenoaks District streets - 80%
  • Sevenoaks District places - 80%
  • Compulsory questions - 100%
  • Highway Code - 80%
  • Road signs and markings - 80%
  • Generic policy and law - 80%
  • Numeracy - 80%
  • Sevenoaks wards - 80%

The Hackney Carriage Driver test has a total of 58 questions and the Private Hire Driver test has a total of 56 questions. You will have up to 90 minutes to answer all questions.


You are expected to carry out your own research and you should be familiar with our Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy.

We suggest you obtain a good working knowledge of the District before attempting the test and we recommend the following:

  • Spending time in the District and studying maps
  • Using the internet and/or the telephone directory to research the names of the roads on which local landmarks or bars, restaurants, schools etc. are situated
  • Re-familiarising yourself with the Highway Code

On the day of your test

You will sit the test at Sevenoaks District Council, Argyle Road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1HG.

You should bring some form of photographic I.D. with you, such as a driving licence or passport.

You cannot leave the room during the test so please take any comfort breaks beforehand.

During the test, you are not allowed to use any of the following:

  • Mobile or smart phones
  • Study notes
  • Text books
  • Handheld computers
  • Satellite navigation devices
  • Any other device or notes as deemed unacceptable

Anyone found to have used any of the above items will have their test cancelled.

Pay and book your test

Make an online payment (please select Sevenoaks / Taxi / Miscellaneous / Knowledge Test)

If you need any help with your payment, please contact the Licensing Partnership.

Test cancellations

If you have confirmed and paid for your test but can no longer attend, you must tell us at least five working days before your test to be eligible for a refund.