Numeracy | Taxi driver Knowledge Test questions | Sevenoaks District Council

Taxi driver Knowledge Test questions


  1. If the standard fare is £5, what is the fare at time and a half?
  2. The fare for the journey is £11.30 and the passenger gives you a £10 note, a £5 note and a 50p coin. How much change must you give?
  3. The fare for the journey is £16.20 and the passenger gives you a £20 note saying take a £1.50 tip. How much change must you give?
  4. The fare for the journey is £11.20 and the passenger gives you a £10 note, a £5 note and a 50p coin. How much change must you give?
  5. The fare for the journey is £13.90 and the passenger gives you a £20 note saying take a £1.50 tip. How much change must you give?
  6. The fare for the journey is £3.20 and the passenger gives you a £10 note and a 50p coin. How much change must you give?
  7. The fare for the journey is £14.60 and the passenger gives you a £20 note saying take a £1.50 tip. How much change must you give?
  8. You collect one passenger for an agreed fare of £4.80. On route the passenger asks you to collect a friend and you agree an additional cost of £1.50. What is the total cost of the fare?
  9. If the fare is £11.50 and the customer gives you a £20 note, how much change is owed?
  10. If the fare is £6.75 and the customer gives you a £20 note, how much change is owed?
  11. Your passenger gives you a handful of coins to pay for his fare. How much money has he paid? (See photo)
  12. A passenger gives you £8 for a fare that costs £7.35, he tells you to keep 50p as a tip. How much change to you give him back?

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