Private Hire policy and law | Taxi driver Knowledge Test questions | Sevenoaks District Council

Taxi driver Knowledge Test questions

Private Hire policy and law

The rules on Private-hire vehicles differ to Hackney carriage vehicles. Private-hire vehicles: (select all those that are true)

1. When can a private hire vehicle stop, wait or park and pick up passengers from a hackney carriage rank which has been appointed by the Licensing Authority?

2. When can a private hire vehicle pick up a passenger who has not pre-booked?

3. Can a driver smoke inside a licenced vehicle?

4. If the holder of a Vehicle Licence leaves their renewal too late to get a garage compliance done before the licence expires, would they be able to continue to use that vehicle for work purposes between the expiry of the licence and the date in which the vehicle has been tested?

5. The legislation states when a Private Hire vehicle is hired, the journey from start to the end must be by the (complete the sentence)

6. You go to pick up your first booking of the day and realise that you have left your badge at home. What would you do?

7. You find a watch on your back seat after dropping off a passenger. What must you do?

8. Does a Private Hire vehicle have to clearly display no smoking signs?

9. Do you have to carry animals in your vehicle?

10. If your vehicle suffers any damage, what action do you take?

11. A vehicle will be instantly suspended if it is:  (Select correct answer)

12. Which item is NOT a requirement for a vehicle?

13. How old can a vehicle be when it is first licensed? (not including London-style Metropolitan Cabs)

14. When should a driver wear his badge?

15. Where must the licence plate be located on the exterior of the vehicle?

16. How can you get a fare?

17. What two items of clothing are all drivers specifically banned from wearing?
 a) Football shirts
 b) Flip flops
 c) Shorts
 d) Jeans

18. At what age must all licensed drivers provide an annual medical certificate to prove their fitness to drive?

19. When driving your private hire vehicle, when must you wear a seat belt?

20. What should you do if your customer asks you to allow 5 passengers in your private hire vehicle, when the maximum number is 4 passengers?