Highway Code | Taxi driver Knowledge Test questions | Sevenoaks District Council

Taxi driver Knowledge Test questions

Highway Code

1. While driving behind a vehicle on a road that is slippery and wet, what time gap should you leave between their car and yours?

2. How can excessive or uneven tyre wear be caused?

3. While driving you approach a bus at a designated Bus Stop, how might this effect your driving? 

4. What is the national speed limit for the outside lane of a motorway?

5. What should the left-hand lane of a motorway be used for?

6. When approaching an unmarked crossroads, who has right of way?

7. If reversing into a side road which you aren't sure is clear, what actions should you take?

8. After heavy rain, the motorway is wet and road spray is affecting visibility and overall driving conditions. What steps should you take in respects to your visibility?

9. If turning left to enter a side road, which hazard should you watch out for the most?

10. You're going down a steep hill, what should you do to help control the vehicle?

11. How close may you park to a junction?

12. What can you do on a main road clearway?

13. What is the national speed limit for a built-up area?

14. What is the national speed limit on a single carriageway?

15. Icy road, or surfaces with fresh snow, mean that it could take your car longer to come to a halt than it normally does. In these conditions, how many times more would the stopping distance be compared to the normal stopping distances?

16. When are you allowed to reverse from a quiet side road into the main road?

17. When is it illegal for a horn to be sounded?

18. Residential areas where the street is narrow may have a speed limit that is?

19. You are overtaking a stationary bus. Why should you proceed with caution?

20. When is it best for the pressure of your tyres to be checked?

21. A driver behind you on a motorway flashes their headlights, what should you do?

22. Cyclists travelling at slow speeds are likely to?

23. Can you drive in a bus lane?

24. If the rear of your vehicle is skidding to the right what should you do?

25. An overtaking vehicle cuts in, close in front of you. What should you do?

26. You break down on a two way road. At what distance should a red triangle be placed behind the vehicle?