Pavement licence conditions | Sevenoaks District Council

Pavement licence conditions

  • No tables, chairs or temporary street furniture sited on a footway are to be placed within 1.2m of the edge of an adjacent carriageway. A minimum clear footway width of 1.5m must be obtained at all times and 2m in busy locations or at busy times except in the following circumstances where additional width may be required:
    • A – Proposals which place furniture within 20m of a road junction or roundabout.
    • B – Proposals which place furniture within 15m of a push button, zebra crossing or pedestrian island crossing.
    • C – Proposals which place furniture within 5m of a bus stop
Additional widths may be required to accommodate social distancing in line with the guidance issued by the Secretary of State.
  • Every table, chair and item of temporary street furniture shall be positioned so that it does not impede the surface water drainage of the highway nor obstruct access to any premises unless the consent of the occupier of these premises has been obtained.
  • No items shall be sited as to obstruct access to any premises unless the consent of the occupier of these premises has been obtained. No items shall be sited in such a way that is obstructs any fire exits or dry risers etc.
  • No tables, chairs or temporary street furniture shall be left on the highway longer that is necessary. Tables, chairs and temporary furniture within a pedestrianised area cover by a traffic Regulation Order shall only be placed on the highway during the hours of pedestrianisation. Tables, chairs and temporary street furniture shall be taken inside and stored during the hours when business is not trading.
  • All tables, Chairs and temporary furniture shall be separated from the remaining highway using disability compliant barriers. This means that barriers must:
    • A – Be between 1,000mm and 1,200mm in height
    • B – Have a continuous tapping rail (150mm to 200mm deep) or panel edge either on the ground or up to a maximum height of 200mm above the ground. 
    • C – Have a colour contrast to ensure they are highly visible.
    • D – Be continuous around the area of tables, chairs and temporary street furniture except for the access point. No tables, chairs or temporary street furniture shall remain on the highway pursuant to this permission after the period of the pavement license has expired.
  • The licensee shall be responsible for keeping the designated area in a clean and tidy condition at all times and shall ensure that any associated debris is removed at the end of each day and make good any damage caused to the surface area.
  • No apparatus such as power cables or water pipes shall be allowed to be laid across or suspended above the highway for the purposes of providing services to outside areas on or off the highway.
  • No wastewater or other substances shall be discharged on to the highway or highway drainage system