Councillors and decision making | Sevenoaks District Council
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Councillors and decision making

We operate a Leader and Cabinet system to take most of the Council’s decisions:

  • Most day-to-day decisions are taken by the Cabinet which usually meets every four weeks on a Thursday at 7pm.
  • The Cabinet is made up of the Leader of the Council together with six other Councillors, also referred to as Portfolio Holders.
  • Each Portfolio Holder has responsibility for one or more areas of our work. These areas of responsibility are called Portfolios. The full scope of each Portfolio is set out in our Constitution in Appendix H - Membership of Council Committees, Cabinet and Advisory Committees.
  • Some bigger decisions, such as setting the budget, setting Council Tax or approving policies and strategies, are considered by all Sevenoaks District Councillors.
  • We have a number of other committees that either advise the Cabinet and Portfolio Holders or that scrutinise performance and decision making. Some committees have particular roles such as determining planning and licensing applications. View our Committees.
  • All of our committee meetings are open to the public and agendas and reports for the meeting are made available before each meeting.

Find your local District Councillor

View our calendar of meetings

For more information, please contact us.