Who your information may be shared with | Privacy Notice and General Data Protection Policy | Sevenoaks District Council

Privacy Notice and General Data Protection Policy

Who your information may be shared with

Information will not be shared with others except where we have your consent or where it is permitted by law.

We use some external organisations to process personal information. In all cases these will be carried out under a written contract setting out what information is being transferred and how it is to be processed.

Your information shall not be transferred outside of the European Union unless there are sufficient safeguards to protect your personal information.

Information may be shared between departments within the Council and with outside organisations where this is compelled by law or necessary in either carrying out public tasks or some other function in the public interest.

We are required by law to protect the public funds we administer and so we may share information provided to us with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds in order to prevent and detect fraud.

The Cabinet Office currently requires us to participate in data matching exercise called the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) which matches electronic data within and between public and private sector bodies to prevent and detect fraud. These bodies include police authorities, local probation boards, fire and rescue authorities as well as local councils and private sector bodies. Data-matching by the Cabinet Office is subject to a code of practice. Further details regarding National Fraud Initiative and fair processing of data can be found on GOV.UK. Data matching involves comparing computer records held by one body with that of another to highlight discrepancies between the two sets of records. This usually entails comparing personal information and can lead to finding fraudulent claims and payments. All inconsistencies require further manual intervention before it can be established if there is fraud, error or some other explanation for the differences.

We may from time to time co-ordinate our own pro-active exercises similar to the National Fraud Initiative in order to prevent and detect fraud within public funds.  

Your personal information will not be sold to other parties, except where this is required by law.