Supported housing | Sevenoaks District Council
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Supported housing

A number of organisations provide specialist supported housing for people with learning disabilities, mental health issues and other special needs.

Supported housing is usually for single people. It consists of a large house where you have your own bedroom and shared facilities. Some organisations offer self-contained flats. 

People who benefit from living in supported housing may be:

  • Experiencing a crisis or having had a stay in hospital
  • Finding living on their own difficult, perhaps because of illness or having problems managing things like bills
  • Wanting to move towards independent living, perhaps after having spent some time in a care home
  • Having lost a carer or other form of support

Before you can be referred, you must:

  • Be registered on the housing register
  • Take advice from the Lifeways team at West Kent Housing Association.

Apply to join the Sevenoaks District Housing Register

Once your application has been accepted onto the Housing Register, your case will be assessed by the Lifeways Team at West Kent Housing Association who will work with you to identify the housing scheme and support that best meets your needs.

Temporary support

Temporary support, often referred to as floating support is a free service offered by Supporting People, a part of Kent County Council.

It is available to any type of tenant and also to people who own their own home. Support can be available for a few weeks up to 18 months and help you to:

  • set up and maintain a home or tenancy
  • manage finances and benefit claims
  • develop independent living skills
  • gain access to other services
  • ensure your accommodation is safe and secure.

For information or to apply, visit Kent County Council's supported housing page