- Each speaker is allowed up to three minutes. This time limit will be strictly enforced and you will be visually warned when you have one minute left.
- After you have spoken, you are welcome to sit at the rear of the Council Chamber and listen to the debate. You will not be able to take any further part in the debate and you are asked to remain quiet. You may be asked for further information by the Chairman.
- After the public speakers have spoken, the local members and local councils will be invited to make their contribution.
- When they have finished, the members of the Committee will have the opportunity to ask questions of the officers present.
- The Committee will then debate the planning merits of the proposal.
- If significant new information relevant to the application is raised at the meeting, the Committee may decide to defer a decision. The Chairman may ask for a further report to be discussed at a later meeting or for a site inspection to take place. Public speaking will not normally be considered when deferred applications are reconsidered by the Committee.
- At the end of the discussion, there will be a vote. This will usually mean a decision is made on the application. In a small number of cases, the final decision may have to be taken by the Full Council.
- You will then be shown out of the Council Chamber. You are welcome to watch the rest of the meeting from the public gallery, if you wish.
Website maintenance
Some of our online payments, forms and features will be unavailable from 6pm on Wednesday 5 February while we carry out essential website maintenance. Sorry for the inconvenience.