Request to speak on a planning application | Sevenoaks District Council
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Request to speak on a planning application

Our Development Management Committee meetings are livestreamed on our YouTube channel. 

View our YouTube channel

We have decided to give you a greater opportunity to have your say on those planning applications considered at meetings of the Development Management Committee. You do not have to speak at a meeting to have your views taken into account, but you may feel it gives you the chance to reinforce the points you make in writing.

Letters carry equal weight and will always be considered carefully.

Attending a Development Management Committee meeting

The Development Management Committee meets about every three weeks. We publish an agenda and reports for each meeting at least five working days before the meeting takes place.

If you are planning to attend a Development Management meeting, please contact our Democratic Services team on 01732 227000 to confirm it is going ahead as scheduled.

Request to speak on a planning application

To request to speak at a meeting, please contact us by 5pm at the latest on the day of the Committee meeting.

Please note the following information:

  • To make sure the Committee can deal with all its business, we have decided that only one speaker will be allowed to speak for, and one against, a particular application.
  • Requests to speak will be registered on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. If there is more than one potential speaker in support of an application, preference will be given to the applicant or their agent.
  • Anyone who asks to speak after someone else has registered an interest will be put in touch with the first person. All those who wish to speak will need to agree amongst themselves who will actually speak and what they will say. A second person will be the reserve speaker.
  • If you've been told that you are either the first or the reserve speaker but wish to give up your right, it is important that you tell the Customer Services team without delay. The right to speak can then be offered to someone else.

Please note: The names, addresses and telephone numbers of people who wish to speak may be given to other people who share their views and who have expressed a wish to address the Committee.