Interactive policies map
Select any property or area of the District and find out about planning policies and planning restrictions that affect it…
Allocations and Development Management Plan
The adopted Allocations and Development Management Plan identifies current sites for housing, employment and other uses...
Core Strategy Evidence Base
We researched a range of background issues and produced evidence in support of the policies in our current Local Plan...
Supplementary Planning Documents and other guidance
Supplementary Planning Documents cover a wide range of issues and can be used to expand on the detail within policy documents...
Transport strategy
Sets out a vision for the District’s transport network for 16 years, from 2010 to 2026...
Statement of Community Involvement
The Statement of Community Involvement sets out how we will involve the community in the development of the Local Plan...
Authority Monitoring Reports
Reports the progress of our planning services over the previous financial year...
Village Design Statements
Village Design Statements are prepared by local people to guide new development in their villages...
National planning
We take into account national planning strategies when we consider planning applications and formulate Local Plan policy...
Brownfield land register
A list of brownfield sites which may be suitable for residential development...
Housing Delivery Test and Housing Supply
Our Housing Delivery Test Action Plans and our Five Year Housing Land Supply statement...
Cycling strategy
The Cycling Strategy aims to promote cycling by identifying potential new routes, highlighting locations for new cycle parking and improving promotion and maintenance...