Supplementary Planning Documents and other guidance | Sevenoaks District Council
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Supplementary Planning Documents and other guidance

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) cover a wide range of issues and can be used to expand policies contained within policy documents.

They must be consistent with national planning policy, must undergo consultation and must be in conformity with policies contained within the Local Plan.

The process for preparing Supplementary Planning Documents is similar to a Local Plan document. However, they are not subject to independent examination by the Planning Inspectorate. There are four main stages in their production:

  • Preparation and informal consultation
  • Consultation (four to six weeks)
  • Consideration of representations and completion of final draft of the Supplementary Planning Documents
  • Adoption of the Supplementary Planning Documents

Green Belt SPD

Edenbridge Character Area Assessment

Sevenoaks Residential Character Area Assessment SPD

Affordable Housing SPDs Adopted October 2011

Residential Extensions SPD Adopted May 2009

Kent Design Guide SPD

Village Design Statements and Parish Plans SPDs

Local List SPD

Sevenoaks District Character Study

AONB Management Plans and other guidance