Local List - supplementary planning document | Sevenoaks District Council
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Local List - supplementary planning document

Sevenoaks District contains many historic and modern buildings, structures and open spaces which are of local architectural and historic interest or make a significant contribution to the character and appearance of our District.

These assets, while not on the statutory list of buildings (Grade I, Grade II*, Grade II), that are of national significance, already have legal protections and make a valuable contribution to what makes the District special.

The Local List Supplementary Planning Document is intended to raise awareness and enhance protection of the many unlisted sites which make up the historic environment of the Sevenoaks District. So far the Local List only includes sites within the area of Sevenoaks Town because the Sevenoaks Society have been our partners in the organisation and surveying of this area.

More information on the Local List can be found within the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). This includes all you need to know about owning a locally listed building as well as providing more information on how the list is put together.

To view each asset and discover the reasons for their inclusion, please use our interactive map.