Brownfield Land Register | Sevenoaks District Council

Brownfield Land Register

We are required to set up and maintain a register of previously developed (brownfield) land in our area. These are sites we have assessed as appropriate for residential development. Sites include those with full planning permission, outline planning permission or no permission.

Part 1 of the ‘Brownfield Land Register’ has been prepared in a number of formats. We are not currently intending to prepare a Part 2 (optional) of the Brownfield Land Register. The Brownfield Register will be updated annually.

To be included in the Brownfield Register, land must be:

  • At least 0.25 hectares or capable of supporting at least five dwellings
  • Suitable for residential development
  • Available for residential development
  • Residential development of the land is achievable
  • Meet the definition of previously developed land in the National Planning Policy Framework

View the interactive Brownfield Land map

View the Brownfield Land Register (CSV)

View the Brownfield Land Register (Excel)


Further information about the data

  • The identification of land with potential for housing development in the Brownfield Land Register does not imply that we will grant planning permission. All planning applications will continue to be determined against the development plan and material planning considerations, including the National Planning Policy Framework
  • The inclusion of land for residential development in the Brownfield Land Register does not preclude it from being developed for other uses
  • The exclusion of sites from the Brownfield Land Register (either because they were discounted or not identified) does not preclude the possibility of planning permission being granted for residential development
  • The identified site boundaries are based on the best information available at the time of the assessment. The Brownfield Land Register does not limit an expansion or contraction of these boundaries for the purpose of a planning application or future allocation through the Local Plan process
  • The estimation of housing potential is based on the best information available at the time of writing
  • The housing potential indicated does not preclude densities being increased or decreased on sites, subject to further information and assessment at such time as a planning application is made
  • We do not accept liability for any factual inaccuracies or omissions in the Brownfield Land Register. It should be acknowledged that there may be additional constraints on sites that have not been identified
  • Issues may arise during the planning application process that were not / could not have been foreseen at the time of the publication of the Brownfield Land Register. Applicants are advised to carry out their own analysis of site constraints for the purpose of the planning application and should not rely on the identification of the site within the Brownfield Land Register.