Demolition | Building Control services | Sevenoaks District Council
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Building Control services


The Building Act allows local authorities to control demolitions to protect the public and to ensure nearby properties and the site are made good once the works have finished.

If you intend to demolish all or part of a building that is 50m3 or more, you must give notice to us under Section 80 of The Building Act 1984 and send copies of the notice to the utility services (gas, water and electricity) and also to adjoining owners and/or occupiers.

If all is satisfactory, we will issue a consent notice and schedule of requirements.

Applications for demolitions should be made six weeks before the intended demolition and should include a site location plan.

Planning permission may also be required and we advise you to contact the relevant planning department of the local authority in which the demolition will take place before works begin.

Further guidance on the risks associated with demolition of buildings is available from the Health and Safety Executive.

Please contact us if you intend to demolish all or part of a building.