Extremely vulnerable residents | Sevenoaks District Council
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Extremely vulnerable residents

Coronavirus can affect us all, but there are some people who are classified ‘extremely vulnerable’ due to a medical condition.

If you are classified ‘extremely vulnerable’ you may have received a letter to confirm this or some other communication from your GP or medical practitioner.

If you are classified ‘extremely vulnerable’ it is important that you shield yourself at all times, this means:

  • Not leaving your home for any reason
  • Minimising contact with others, including those in your own household.

If you have at least one of these medical conditions or have received confirmation from your GP or Medical Practitioner then you are classified ‘extremely vulnerable’:

  • Have had a solid organ transplant
  • Have any cancer and are getting chemotherapy
  • Have lung cancer and are getting radical radiotherapy
  • Have cancer of the blood or bone marrow, at any stage of treatment - for example, leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma
  • Have any cancer for which you’re getting immunotherapy or other continuing antibody treatments
  • Have any cancer for which you’re getting a targeted treatment which can affect the immune system - for example, protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors
  • Have had bone marrow or stem cell transplants in the last six months, or are still taking immunosuppression drugs
  • Have a severe respiratory condition - including cystic fibrosis, severe asthma or severe COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
  • Have a rare disease or inborn error of metabolism that significantly increases your risk of infection - for example SCID or homozygous sickle cell
  • Are getting an immunosuppression therapy that’s sufficient to significantly increase your risk of infection
  • Are pregnant, and have a significant congenital or acquired heart disease

The Government can deliver food parcels to those who are shielding and do not have alternate support to purchase and deliver food. If you do not want to receive free food parcels, it is still worth registering as the Government provides the names of vulnerable residents to local supermarkets who can to offer them priority delivery slots.

Register as extremely vulnerable to Coronavirus

If you require help registering, please telephone 0800 028 8327 or contact your GP surgery.