Alcohol and drugs support | Sevenoaks District Council

Alcohol and drugs support

You’ve taken a fantastic first step today by seeking out support for Drug and Alcohol misuse.

If you feel you have been over-indulging in alcohol or are worried about substance addiction, there are services available to help you change your life for the better.


Drug and Alcohol misuse treatment services

Across Kent, there are organisations that provide drug and alcohol treatment services. You can self-refer or be referred by a GP or other health professional.

In the Sevenoaks District the service is “Change, Grow, Live”, contact The First Step team by:

Refer yourself for support


Prevention through education

A substance misuse youth worker is funded by Sevenoaks District Council to work in the local community to provide: 

  • Preventative and early intervention work to reduce use of substances such as drugs, alcohol, nicotine and prescribed drugs. 
  • Support for young people who may be drinking at harmful levels or misusing drugs. 
  • Outreach your work in priority communities to help young people, using group activities and discussions.

To get help or advice, please contact the Kenward Trust