Taxi fares | Sevenoaks District Council
Website maintenance

Some of our online payments, forms and features will be unavailable from 6pm on Wednesday 5 February while we carry out essential website maintenance. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Taxi fares

The maximum fare a Hackney Carriage taxi can charge in the Sevenoaks District is set by us. All Hackney Carriage vehicles will have a taxi meter fitted.

For a Private Hire (a pre booked vehicle), you should agree the fare before starting the journey.

Hackney Carriage fares from 1 May 2022


  • £4.20 for the first 880 yards (5/10 mile) or part thereof
  • 30p for each additional 176 yards (1/10 mile)

Waiting times:

  • 50p for each period of one minute
  • 65p for each period of one minute between 11pm and 7am (except bank holidays and public holidays) 
  • 65p for each period of one minute on Public and Bank Holidays – (other than Christmas and New Year holidays)
  • 90p for each period of one minute on Christmas and New Year holidays – (from 6pm on Christmas Eve to 6am on 27 December and 6pm New Year’s Eve to 6am on 2 January)

Extra charges:

  • Additional passengers – for each person in excess of four persons – 25% of prescribed fare
  • Hiring between 11pm and 7am (except bank holidays and public holidays) – £2 per fare
  • Hiring on Public and Bank Holidays – (other than Christmas and New Year holidays) – £2.20 per fare
  • Hiring on Christmas and New Year holidays – (from 6pm on Christmas Eve to 6am on 27 December and 6pm New Year’s Eve to 6am on 2 January) – 100% of the prescribed fare
  • For carriage of pets (other than dogs for registered disabled people) – £3.30


  • Any claim for damage to the interior of a vehicle is a matter between the proprietor of the vehicle and the passenger.