Taxis and accessibility | Sevenoaks District Council
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Taxis and accessibility

Taxis are vital for people with disabilities to get about. However, taxi drivers may not charge extra for wheelchair users or for assistance dogs and can only refuse to carry either on medical grounds.

Taxis and wheelchair users

Taxis divers have a legal duty to:

  • Transport the passenger while in the wheelchair
  • Not make any additional charge for doing so
  • Allow the passenger to sit in a passenger seat, should they choose to, and to transport the wheelchair
  • Take necessary steps to ensure the passenger is transported in safety and in reasonable comfort
  • Give the passenger assistance as is reasonably required, including:

The only grounds for exemption are medical, or that a physical condition makes it impossible or unreasonably difficult for a driver to comply with these duties.

Applications for exemptions must be made to us and drivers must carry their exemption certificate with them.

Wheelchair accessible taxis

The council maintains a list of designated wheelchair accessible vehicles in accordance with Section 167 of the Equality Act 2010.

View the list of wheelchair accessible vehicles

Assistance dogs and taxis

It’s against the law for any taxi driver to refuse or charge extra for an assistance dog, such as guide dog or a hearing dog.

A taxi driver can only refuse to carry an assistance dog if they have a medical condition that is aggravated by exposure to dogs and they have an exemption from us. If this is the case, the driver would have to display their exemption badge.


If you have been refused a taxi ride or charged extra because you are a wheelchair user or you have an assistance dog, please contact us so we can investigate your complaint.

Please provide the name and telephone number of the taxi company, when the booking was made, the beginning and the end of the journey, the taxi plate number (fixed to the back of taxi), a description of the driver and a summary of the conversation.