Taxi accidents and temporary replacement vehicles | Sevenoaks District Council
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Taxi accidents and temporary replacement vehicles

Reporting an accident

If you are a Vehicle Licence Holder and your vehicle has been involved in an accident, you must complete our ‘Accident and vehicle damage report form’ within 72 hours. If you were not driving the vehicle at the time of the accident, you will require information from the driver to complete the form.

Take photos of the damage and, if possible, remove the Hackney Carriage or Private Hire plates from the vehicle.

When the Vehicle Licence Holder reports the accident to the Licensing Partnership, they should state whether the accident has been reported to the Police and whether there are any subsequent criminal proceedings.

Accident and vehicle damage report form

Following submission of the ‘Accident and vehicle damage report form’, we will visually assess the vehicle to decide if it is suitable for public transportation. Please be aware, we are not mechanically trained to assess whether the vehicle is safe. We aim to contact you within three working days to confirm if the Vehicle Licence has been suspended.

We will provide you with information to forward to your insurer. You will be contacted by your insurer and advised of the date your temporary plate can be collected from us. This will usually be at the same time the replacement vehicle is provided and your current plate must be handed over at the same time.

Obtain a temporary replacement vehicle licence (procedure for vehicle suppliers/ insurers)

We can issue a licence for temporary replacement vehicle while a licensed vehicle is being repaired. To obtain a temporary licence, the Vehicle Licence Holder should take the following steps:

  1. Remove the Hackney Carriage or Private Hire plates from the vehicle
  2. Take photos of the damage
  3. Complete our accident and vehicle damage report form above and return it to us with photos of the damage

We will contact you within three working days to confirm if the Vehicle Licence has been suspended.

We will provide you with information to forward to your insurer. You will be contacted by your insurer and advised of the date your temporary plate can be collected from us. This will usually be at the same time the replacement vehicle is provided.

Procedure for vehicle suppliers (insurers)

Prior to submitting an application please ensure:

  • The replacement vehicle is a similar type and class or better than the vehicle it is replacing. In the case of low emission vehicles (hybrid or electric), the replacement must also be a low emission vehicle
  • The vehicle cannot be licensed by another authority
  • Ensure the Vehicle License Holder has completed and submitted our accident and vehicle damage report form

Please follow these steps to apply:

  1. Apply for a replacement Hackney Carriage or Private Hire plate and make the necessary payment.

When you apply, you will be asked to supply the following documents:

  • V5 registration document
  • Full schedule of insurance cover
  • Letter authorising the use of the vehicle to your client (driver licensed with Sevenoaks District Council)
  • Meter Calibration Certificate (for Hackney Carriage Vehicles)
  • An Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) certificate if the vehicle has been modified

Apply for a replacement Hackney Carriage or Private Hire plate

  1. Contact our MOT centre to arrange a Vehicle Compliance Test.

Contact our MOT centre

  1. Book an appointment with our Licensing Team to collect the temporary plate and hand in the existing plate of the damaged vehicle.

Once you have a replacement vehicle

The replacement vehicle may be used for up to one year, but must be surrendered once the original licensed vehicle has been returned.

If the vehicle is used for more than six months, a further Vehicle Compliance Test will be required. The Vehicle Licence Holder will be notified a month in advance.

The replacement Hackney Carriage or Private Hire plates will need to be handed back to us before we can return the original plates.