Our Climate Change Strategy | Sevenoaks District Council
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Our Climate Change Strategy

Our Climate Change Strategy marks the Council’s commitment to tackling the challenge of climate change across the District, pledging to do all we can with our available resources to tackle this important issue. It provides a framework for our actions aimed at reducing carbon emissions (mitigation) and adapting to the effects of climate change that are already happening (adaptation), to provide a better environment for future generations. Our Strategy places community leadership and engagement at the forefront and recognises that through working with our residents, businesses, partners, visitors and community groups to raise climate awareness and unlock potential, we can make more of a difference.

Our climate change priorities are:

  • Movement, travel and transport
  • Energy and buildings
  • The Councils’ built assets and fleet
  • Resources, consumption and waste
  • The natural environment
  • Awareness and engagement

Read our Climate Change Strategy

Our Climate Change Action Plan 2024

We measure the amount of carbon emitted by the Council each year.

View our Carbon Emissions Report