Support for Ukraine | Sevenoaks District Council

Support for Ukraine

We are shocked and saddened by the situation in Ukraine and we stand with councils across Kent and the Government to welcome refugees fleeing the conflict.

Homes for Ukraine

How residents can host people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine...

Homes for Ukraine scheme - support for hosts

How registration works and the support available to hosts...

Support for Ukrainian nationals

How Ukrainian nationals can access local services...

Ukraine family scheme

The Government’s Ukraine Family Scheme allows applicants to join family members or extend their stay in the UK...

Charities providing help and support in Ukraine

How you can help charities and organisations providing help to the people of Ukraine...

What Kent's Councils are doing to help

Councils across Kent are working with the Government to support people fleeing the Ukraine conflict...

Our website in Ukrainian and Russian

View our website translated into in Ukrainian and Russian....